Hamas and the Jews
Many voices have now deplored the election of Hamas in the recent Palestinian elections. Some have wrung hands and worried about the effect this outcome will have on the "peace process". First of all, there is now, and there has never been a peace process between the Palestinians and Israel. In order to have a peace process there has to be, at the very least, an honest intent to pursue peace on the part of both parties in the negotiations. Palestinians never, and I mean NEVER, had any other ambition but the end of Israel. Rabin and company were simply the Jewish dupes who decided that Palestinians and Moslems generally are people just like themselves, and therefore they'd rather have peace than war. The election in the Palestinian territories confirms that they would much rather have war than peace.
The Hamas victory is a good outcome for Jews and Israel. It exposes the lie about the Palestinians, that Europe especially wants desperately to persuade the world, that the Palestinians want peace if only Israel left the territories of Samaria and Judia and Gaza. Well, Gaza is now off that list, since Israel forcibly withdrew its citizens from Gaza last summer. But the Palestinians read that to mean that only violence works, and that's why Israel withdrew. So now they elected the organization that is most dedicated OPENLY to kill the Jews.
I am now following up this earlier evaluation of the Hamas election with a few months of experience subsequent to that election. I think anyone can now see what I anticipated in terms of its beneficial effect to Israel. The Palestinians have lost their traditional supporters, especially the French and the Europeans generally, who have historically dug into the depths of immorality in order to justify Palestinian evil practices. I'm far from confident that these same opponents (enemies?) of Israel will remain poised as they are at this moment whereby they are withdrawing money and political support from Hamas, but for the present it does look as if the election of Hamas has given Israel a respite from their usual condemners who always have asked of Israel what they don't and wouldn't ask of any other nation or themselves. We'll wait and see how things progress for further comment.
The Hamas victory is a good outcome for Jews and Israel. It exposes the lie about the Palestinians, that Europe especially wants desperately to persuade the world, that the Palestinians want peace if only Israel left the territories of Samaria and Judia and Gaza. Well, Gaza is now off that list, since Israel forcibly withdrew its citizens from Gaza last summer. But the Palestinians read that to mean that only violence works, and that's why Israel withdrew. So now they elected the organization that is most dedicated OPENLY to kill the Jews.
I am now following up this earlier evaluation of the Hamas election with a few months of experience subsequent to that election. I think anyone can now see what I anticipated in terms of its beneficial effect to Israel. The Palestinians have lost their traditional supporters, especially the French and the Europeans generally, who have historically dug into the depths of immorality in order to justify Palestinian evil practices. I'm far from confident that these same opponents (enemies?) of Israel will remain poised as they are at this moment whereby they are withdrawing money and political support from Hamas, but for the present it does look as if the election of Hamas has given Israel a respite from their usual condemners who always have asked of Israel what they don't and wouldn't ask of any other nation or themselves. We'll wait and see how things progress for further comment.